Each of our products is hand-made by highly skilled but marginalized artisans, mostly women, living in rural areas. The models of production in this artisan sector are exemplary examples of replicable pathways that respond to today’s call for more ‘green’ and ‘inclusive’ economic growth.

‘The artisan sector meets 10 out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
It has the lowest carbon footprint of any major industry and has the potential to meet the future needs of sustainable production and consumption’

Priya Krishnamoorthy, Business of Handmade Research.



Hear Some /of Our Stories


Story from Macrame artist


Organic nature of kadam haat products


Story from Mysa

Hear Some /of Our Stories

“I feel incredibly proud of my craft and sometimes can't believe I create these products. My husband and mother-in-law are my biggest supporters, and their pride is my greatest motivation. I wholeheartedly believe that this is my calling, and I'm committed to continuing.”
"Our daughters and daughters-in-law are becoming independent and that makes me proud. There were hardly any ways for women in our village to generate their own income. I brought all my daughters and daughters-in-law with me to learn and become financially independent."
"I identified my skills during training, and now, I want to practice, enhance, and develop them further in this craft. My dream is to become an example for other girls in the village, and this craft is the key to my independence."

Blended products for an elegant today and a better tomorrow

Stonemade/Our Process

Sketch & drawing
Choose materials
Creative process
Final product

Blog/Stunning News

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Part of the Process Is Making a Good Base

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Stonemade/Our Process


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