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Trying to leave this world a little better than we found it
In Darwin's Descent of Man, he mentions survival of the fittest only twice. He mentions benevolence 99 times." Says Post.
As humans we have an innate desire to help others and make a positive impact on the lives of those less privileged than ourselves.
But its not always convenient to contribute meaningfully alongside the rough and tumble of life.
Blend aims to offer you the convenience to uplift marginalized women artisans in deeply patriarchal rural villages by bringing you elegant products made by them.
We try to bring you hand-made products made with natural or upcycled materials. Our choice of products is heavily influenced with the thought that, where feasible, we must move to handmade products which slow down the pace of damage being done by industrial revolution.
In management thought, delivering impact by taking actions addressing multiple goals, which are often seemingly unrelated or even conflicting at times, is referred to as Blended management style.
Hence, the name Blend.

Blend is founded by Shakti, an Indian who has lived in Denmark and worked at many Senior Director level positions in Danish companies like Mæersk, Deloitte and Rambøll.
Through Blend, Shakti hopes to bring functional Danish design closer to the 5000 years old artisanal talent of India.
When one wholeheartedly loves two countries so diametrically opposite to each other, then it’s impossible to hold back from exploring what a blend of these 2 cultures can offer to the world.
Her desire to contribute to women empowerment through livelihood is rooted in her own experience and observation of how girls are still seen as a liability in many rural areas. Hear her on the award-winning BBC podcast –Dear Daughter: You are wanted